Ki Residences

Concrete projects to propose to you

A promoter must have some qualities; otherwise, it will be difficult to mount a project that is viable in front of the town hall. Among other things, it must be able to offer you a sufficiently ambitious project to stand out from the crowd without being utopian given the expectations of the municipality. It is also important to work with a promoter who can quickly visualize a project and especially, who knows all the steps to be taken.

A professional with many qualifications

Once the outline of the project is drawn, Ki Residences remember that the developer will turn into a real owner, it is to him that will come back the heavy task of leading the entire project, until he finds a project manager who can help him. The skills of the promoter must be large enough so that he can easily manage a whole construction.

right price of your property

Beyond the realism of the project, your future promoter will have to propose concrete deadlines, it will be proof of his professionalism. Everyone knows that the process takes time, but you can not wait indefinitely for a situation to settle down. Whether it is at the level of the administrative procedures or the application for a building permit, a promoter who knows his job will make sure that everything goes as fast as possible, both for him and for you.

The right price of your property

Finally, do not forget that you must ask him the basics of the offer he will make you. Take the time to have your property appraised by two or three real estate professionals to have a relatively accurate idea of ​​the value of your property. Once the developer has made you an offer, you will know if it is a quack seeking to buy you your land for a sum less than the average or if on the contrary, it offers a realistic amount. Remember that if you make an offer that seems disproportionate, there can be two explanations for this:

The promoter is not serious and sees for the future a project too ambitious for the locality

It’s just going to waste your time. An average offer is always more logical and will give you more confidence.

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